Spirit Paths™: The Quest for Authenticity is an intensive and experiential exploration of contemporary shamanic wisdom for living authentically.
The program is an immersive series of 12 afternoon workshops every 2nd and 4th weekend for 6 months. It begins with a two-part (Saturday and Sunday afternoons) overview of fundamental shamanic practices, The Way of the Warrior, and then expands into five sections in which you will learn:
• Serpent: The Path of Awareness
• Wolf: The Path of the Hunter
• Buffalo: The Path of the Soul
• Tribe: The Path of Community
• Eagle: The Path of Spirit
The program is led by two facilitators experienced in personal development, shamanic practice, and group dynamics: Gerry Starnes, M.Ed. and Cecilia Zúñiga, Ph.D.
See what past participants have to say about the program...
If you feel "not quite ready," or are new to shamanic practice, you might consider The Shaman's Journey series. It is an excellent preparation for Spirit Paths!
Fundamentals of the Program
The Spirit Paths™ program was designed as an experiential program in contemporary shamanic practice. You are provided daily practices and support to help you change and enhance your life, to see your place in the unfolding of Spirit, and to facilitate the development of your awareness of how you can be a positive force in the world. Your commitment is to participate fully.
Commitment |
In addition to attending all 6 sections, |
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Do the daily and assigned practices regularly |
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Attend Journey Circles (cost included) |
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Assist in creating community space for workshops and journey circles |
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Recommended: Attend at least 3 TranceDances (cost not included) |
Each Section includes: |
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2 5-hour workshops |
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Dedicated group email list & Facebook Group for support |
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1 personal session with each facilitator |
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Gerry's award-winning book, Spirit Paths: The Quest For Authenticity |
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A discount on Cecilia's book, The Six Sacred Gifts |
The Way of the Warrior
Choosing Freedom
Two-day initial workshop on Saturday and Sunday.
The Warrior's Way puts your feet solidly on the ground to prepare you for the Initiation Journey. This section represents a form of Vision Quest, during which you focus on your personal power, intention, and preparedness. Begin daily practices to dismantle old habits and establish new ones.
Serpent: The Path of Awareness
The Art of Being Fully Present
The Body has direct connection to the whole of the energy field. When you cultivate a relationship of trusting what your Body feels and knows, you come more fully into your own power and your own Being. You can be more real with yourself and others. When you then stand on the base of realness in your own Body, you are more capable of accessing your inner wisdom and power. You learn to stop running from discomfort, and can better distinguish your own truths from external "shoulds". It is from that base that you are capable of making change.
Wolf: The Path of the Hunter
The Art of Stalking
This Section explores intentional living, being present in every moment, infused by the focus of Intent. The Hunter uses more than instinct, though instincts are part of the Art. Observation, evaluation, planning are required. The Way of the Hunter also requires clearing the Past of old patterns and wounds, to recover access to lost energy and power.
Buffalo: The Path of the Soul
The Soul's Timeless Journey
Expanding perception beyond one's own life and times offers a clarifying perspective. Each moment emerges from the past, not only our personal history, but the influences of our ancestors in a line that goes back thousands of years. And spread before us is our future, our children and their children, to the seventh generation and beyond. Recognizing that the present is informed by the past and reaching forward into the future brings a wider view so you can make inspired choices in your life.
Tribe: The Path of Community
The Art of Synergy
You are connected to the greater context of community, and you are an important part of your Tribe. As you follow your quest for your authentic self, you begin the process of discovery that shows you the gifts and value that you bring to the Circle - to the Tribe - and beyond it to the world. Through the process you can begin to see how your gifts can be used for the greater good of the communities in which you participate.
Eagle: The Path of Spirit
Where Everything is One Thing
The Eagle soars in the highest places, and sees both the curve of the Earth and a mouse on the ground. From this perspective, everything is as it should be: balanced, perfect, and in need of nothing. This connection to Spirit brings everything into clear focus, and you can see your place in the whole of life. Eagle supports you in remaining true to the vision you have of your destiny in the Web of Life..
Gerry Starnes, M.Ed., originator of the Spirit Paths™ program in 2008, began his practice in the mid-1970s, using both psychological and
medical treatment models. Finding the results of these
modalities limited, he began a 20-year journey through energy healing
and other alternative methods of healing.
In the 1990s he encountered shamanism, and found it to be the most powerful
methodology for healing in all the realms. As a contemporary shamanic practitioner,
he now offers group and individual sessions, holds regular classes, and presents
a variety of workshops in Texas. He is a Founding Member of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners.
Cecilia Zuniga, Ph.D., co-facilitator of the Spirit Paths program since 2012, is passionate about integrating the wisdom of energy healing into her work with clients today. Following years of advanced training and practice in psychology, counseling and educational psychology in the 1980s and 90s, she chose to leave her career behind after a series of events led to a personal awakening. She then focused her attention on expanding her knowledge and practice of natural and holistic health and medicine, spirituality, shamanism, energy healing, yoga and other more intuitive ways to balance and awaken the Being.
Cecilia founded InnerScapes™ and developed the LEN™ Technique to compliment the Life Coaching and Body Harmonics she offers for grief, trauma, relationships, sexuality and personal growth to communities from New Braunfels to Austin,TX. She teaches Kundalini Yoga and other classes focused on wellness, wholeness and personal evolution. She is also a Hope Hospice Volunteer, a writer and the author of AD/HD Generation: Holistic Ways to Support Children and The Six Sacred Gifts: Everyday wisdom for the spiritual seeker available at Amazon.com. Seeher website for more information.
Interview About Shamanism and the Spirit Paths program
(2 hours)
Gerry was interviewed by Lois Wetzel on the EPIC Internet radio show on August 18, 2014.
Listen to the interview archive...
More Information
Gerry Starnes, M.Ed.
Phone: 512-586-2736
Cecilia Zúñiga, Ph.D.
Phone: 512-924-1659 |
Schedule |
2015 Workshop Dates |
Way of the Warrior |
Workshops |
March 14-15, 28 |
Serpent: Path of Awareness |
Workshops |
April 11, 25 |
Wolf: Path of the Hunter |
Workshops |
May 9, 30 |
Buffalo: Path of the Soul |
Workshops |
June 13, 27 |
Tribe: Path of Community |
Workshops |
July 11, 25 |
Eagle: Path of Spirit |
Workshops |
August 8, 22 |
Completion Gathering |
September 5 ~ 1:00 to 3:00 |
Workshops are scheduled 1:00 to 6:00 pm. |
Deposit: $200
Monthly: $150
The book Spirit Paths: The Quest for Authenticity is included.
Open Lotus Studio
3212 S Congress
Austin, TX 78704
Please note that not everyone applying for the program will be accepted. Contact Gerry Starnes or Cecilia Zuniga for an interview prior to registration.
Gerry's Appointment Calendar
Email Cecilia for times
From Past Participants |
Spirit Paths is an engaging, empowering journey for a number of reasons. One is the close-knit, respectful community we are constantly creating (on many levels), another reason the hands-on learning, experiencing, doing, and letting be done in the gathering of tools, ideas, and information. Most empowering, for me, is that I am constantly healing myself and learning new ways to do so. One of the underlying approaches to shamanic practice in this context is that we all have the power and ability to heal ourselves and that we each do that in unique ways. I have learned that we do have that power, especially when we seek guidance and give ourselves the space to heal and learn. Spirit Paths is an integral piece of my own journey back to wholeness and I look forward to continuing to walk the path and to see what unfolds.
– Casey
I am so honored and happy to be on this journey with you all. The sharing of knowledge, experiences, trust and true friendship are wonderful gifts.
Gerry, as a guide, mentor and powerful energy healer and shamanic practitioner, you have provided much to all you have encountered, and we are blessed to have you in this role.
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