The Shaman's Journey™ Workshop Series |
The shamanic experience is a global way of understanding the world and working with Spirit – a world view that is closely connected to the Earth and wisdom of the ancestors. Shamanic practices have been developed over several thousands of years and are as relevant to contemporary society as they have ever been in history.
This series of workshops presents and experientially explores the essence of the shamanic path. You will gain an awareness of the principles and practices so that you can decide how they best can be integrated into your everyday life.
This program is for those new to contemporary shamanic practice, as well as for the more experienced practitioner who wants to return to the root and take it deeper. It is an excellent preparation for the Spirit Paths™ program that begins in March!
Learn more about the Spirit Paths program...
Program Description
In this workshop series you will learn about and experience:
Workshop One: The Basics
• What is a Shaman?
• The Shamanic Worldview
• Entering Non-ordinary Reality
• Rhythm and Physiology
• The Shamanic Journey
• Spirit Guides and Teachers
• Honoring
Workshop Two: Working with Spirit Guides
• Power Animals and Totems
• Finding Your Totem
Workshop Three: The Power of Ritual
• Setting the Sacred Container
• Creating Altars and Fetishes
• The Medicine Wheel and the Four Directions
• The Right Use of Power
Workshop Four: Shamanic Healing
• Shamanic Healing for Power and Health
• Reclaiming and Maintaining Power and Vitality
• Curses and Soul Loss
Each workshop can be taken separately, however it is strongly recommended that you participate in the whole series for the best learning experience.
Gerry Starnes, M.Ed., originator of the Spirit Paths™ program in 2008, began his practice in the mid-1970s, using both psychological and
medical treatment models. Finding the results of these
modalities limited, he began a 20-year journey through energy healing
and other alternative methods of healing.
In the 1990s he encountered shamanism, and found it to be the most powerful
methodology for healing in all the realms. As a contemporary shamanic practitioner,
he now offers group and individual sessions, holds regular classes, and presents
a variety of workshops in Texas. He is a Founding Member of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners.
| Testimonials about Shamanic Passages programs |
More Information or registration
Gerry Starnes, 512-586-2736
January/February 2015
A Shamanic Passages™ Experience
January 17 ~ 1 to 4 pm
January 24 ~ 1 to 4 pm
February 7 ~ 1 to 4 pm
February 21 ~ 1 to 4 pm
Open Lotus Studio
3212 S Congress
Austin, TX 78704
$160 until January 10
$190 after January 10
Individual workshops: $55 each
Register online...
What To Bring With You |
You will be experiencing journeys and guided imagery meditations, so you want to be as comfortable as possible. Floor pillows and some yoga blankets are available, but you might want to bring your own items, such as: |
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Journal or notebook |
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Bandanna or eye covering |
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Pillow if desired |
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Backjack or back support if desired |
