"You created such a safe, chrysalis-like space and gave us the guidance and information we needed to do our transformative work. I never would have imagined a day-long workshop (followed by an individual session) could be so intense and fruitful. You really did facilitate my coming apart and being rebuilt on a fairly deep level. I feel like my operating system has just been upgraded and I am now having to update all the software and some hardware--make those smaller tweaks you talk about and practice living into that freedom and manifesting all that new energy, awareness, and goodness, but it is clearly happening. You are a gifted teacher and healer. Your message and actions come through even more strongly because of your warmth as well as the integrity and clarity of purpose with which you live. "
– Gail A about Phoenix Rising
"As a guide, mentor and powerful energy healer and shamanic practitioner, you have provided much to all you have encountered and we are blessed to have you in this role."
– Wayne, Spirit Paths™ participant
"Thank you for being you...working with you has truly helped me to gain a deeper sense of Self...I look forward to commencing our journey together when i return."
– Lydia M
"In one month's time with you, I have felt effortlessly what [some] labor so hard to realize within themselves. I truly felt many special things happen during the progress of our sessions. I truly felt many special things happen in my body during the progress of our sessions. I have so much confidence in your work and look forward to working more with you in the future."
- SC
"I enjoyed and appreciated your strength of character and energy while I got to work on some really hard stuff at the Returning Warriors. Thank you. You are a "safe" man and I have always felt that around you."
"Since I've seen you, I've noticed my heart opening to more bliss and love in life. I don't know what you did, but it's good to start feeling bliss again and not being so numb. It's strange but I could feel god radiating through you, and it was beautiful."
– Victoria C
"I want to honor you for spending the time to help me on my journey. You are a very special person, and I am very grateful for the work I've done with your shaman presence, and for you."
– Carol B
"I was at last Friday's TranceDance with my partner. We've been talking about the event since we flew back to Sedona this weekend and I want to pass on how much I got out of the experience. I got some much needed movement and clarity about the slump I have been in for the last several weeks. I am on a threshold of some big inner change (though I am uncertain of the form) but all my inner guidance says it's there. Doing TranceDance is always helpful but finding that one was in Austin on the week we decided to visit was great. It kick-started a lot of my process this week.
"it is good to see the presence you have made in Shamanic Journeys of all kinds there."
– Mark G
"I just wanted to thank you and the group again for the powerful healing circle last night. It was a very moving and profound experience for me.
"I had the strong sense of deep healing for many, many beings who were drawn to our circle - as we discussed, I believe there were many others besides those who were connected to [name withheld].
"For me personally, there was a great release of grief and anger replaced by a deep peacefulness. Last night, I was able to sleep well for the first time since hearing that her killer had been released from prison. And, I still feel the energy shield around me very strongly - it's as if I am being blocked from feeling any negativity about that situation (which, at this point, is a very good thing...)
"Gerry, thank you for being such an amazing space holder and guide for our circle."
– Toni S
"I really enjoyed my first dance a lot. I didn't talk afterward because it was so big and beyond words. So much of my life has been in computers, it was such a release to experience so much of me without words. Man, I'm smiling a lot here just thinking about it."
– Mike O
"It has been a very powerful/wonderful year, including thanks to you for holding the space for TranceDance and journey circle. Your energy and the opportunities you have offered have been very healing for me, during this year of incredible grief with lots of lessons of letting go. So glad I have new tools and contexts to learn and grow even more, and my work with you has been a very huge part of it. Thanks for being, Gerry, and thanks for being in my life."
– Patricia K
"I was very impressed and pleased with your handling of the workshop, I found it very satisfying and enjoyable. It seemed to be a good mix of personalities and views. It was an honor to participate."
– William G |
"Exactly the right way for me to begin this adventure. Very powerful experience. Gerry teaches and guides in a way that is insightful, accessible and focused. Thanks so much!"
– John F
"I feel so fortunate that with your help I have learned to become more aware of the various ways that spirit can choose to talk to me. In the past, I would have been mentally repulsed by the idea of a spider walking on my thigh -- especially a big, hairy one! But with the practice that journeying has given me, I had a second thought and as a result was able to glean some insight into my being."
– Diane S
"Thank you for an AWESOME workshop!! This was very much more powerful for me than the shamanic journeying I've been doing. I think you have helped me find the perfect healing tool for me. I really, really appreciated how much music matched the flow of the journey for both nights. That was so excellent. Some of the parts I wished were longer, but I understand that journeying through 6 passages a night means shorter selections.
"You created a very safe and healing space. I know that when doing journey work, it is important that the shaman provide such a space, and you did so. I am sure that a great deal of the success of the journey was due to your healing presence there, too."
– Anna L
"I wanted to tell you that already, I am experiencing subtle changes in my life due to the workshop. I feel generally more at ease and accepting of others, more flexible, and definitely more connected to what I need and how my spirit tells me what I need. I just haven't been listening. Now I am. Thank you for creating such a safe and magical space for all of this healing and connecting to occur!"
– India
"Thanks Gerry for an amazing, transformative trance dance that has stayed with me. I really appreciate you and your intuitive wisdom and magical touch with music."
– Linda R
"Just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed my dance Friday night and appreciate the space that you provided, the music and your attentiveness. I am the dancer who was there to celebrate. Thought you might like to know that someone appreciates what you're doing!"
– Lisa W
"TranceDance was awesome – kept processing and getting more awareness about it several days after. I look forward to more. And it was so great to finally meet you :)"
– Carrie L
"Crazy indeed! You weren't kidding about that 'ripple' effect. Strange things have been happening...
"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all that you offered and gave this past weekend. It was an amazing experience for me - one that I will carry with me for a long, long time. Through your patience and wisdom, your compassion and creation of a warm, safe space, I was able reconnect with a part of myself I have missed terribly. Thank you so much for that opportunity.
"So much is different - or rather, I'm experiencing things so differently ...even Nia! Amazing too how NiaSPace feels to me now - always warm and comforting, it now feels sacred.
"My back continues to feel far better...I didn't take my muscle relaxer or anti-imflamatory yesterday or today, and I feel just fine. How could that be? What did I experience Saturday night? So much of this is so difficult to understand...it keeps me up at night, my mind (or is it my spirit?) is so filled with energy, questions. I just write and write and write.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Gerry. Please know that you have had a profound impact on my life."
– Diane
"Thanx, Gerry, for the splendid weekend...will be feeling the aftereffects for a long long time...lots of things happened and I will continue to journal...I have fun out here in the country, seeing what critter is going to teach me for the day...it's like having my own medicine cards and drawing them (grin). Anyway, thanks loads for your gentle teaching."
– Karen
"Wow TranceDance was Awesome! I am still reeling. Lots of great energy and 'power' Looking forward to going again."
– Gina C
"Last night's dance was my first and I loved it. Thanks so much for putting it on. I felt totally safe to let my freak out and really go places within myself. For me, the dance was a mix of play, ritual, and question/answer session with my true self/soul/spirit/whatever. I will come and dance again soon! "
– Annie L
