Power Animals Intensive
Since the dawn of time, humans have had a relationship with animals and other beings of Spirit. These relationships call to us from deep within and draw us into a world of joy, power and magic.

The Power Animals Intensive focuses on the shamanic tradition of communication with Spirit through the medium of spiritual representatives, such as animals and spirit guides, with the goal to initiate or improve integration between participants' ordinary lives and awareness of spiritual guidance.

Participants have the opportunity to identify and encounter their Power Animals and to begin or continue the deep and rich relationship this leads to. The goal is to initiate or improve integration between your ordinary life and awareness of spiritual guidance.

In this workshop:
•> Learn about and explore communication with Spirit through the shamanic journey.
•> Learn first-hand about the 4 main categories of Power Animals.
•> Meet your Journey animal and learn ways to work with it to expand your journey experience
•> Learn ways to bring your Power Animals to life in your ordinary living experience.
•>  Learn to cultivate the deep and rich relationship this leads to.

Participants have the opportunity to identify and encounter their Power Animal and to begin or continue the deep and rich relationship this leads to.

Gerry Starnes, M.Ed., originator of the Spirit Paths™ program in 2008 and numerous other shamanic classes and workshops. He has been a shamanic practitioner and teacher for more than a decade, and founded the first on-going shamanic journey circle in Austin in 2003.

Best-selling author of an award-winning book, as well as other publications and videos, Gerry is a fun and engaging teacher. He is the founder of the Shamanic Passages Institute, and is a Founding Member of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners.

October 13-14, 2018
1:00 to 6:00 pm both days

3004 S 1st Street
Austin, TX 78704

• $95 until October 10
• $115 October 11-13

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Name of Attendee(s)
What To Bring With You
You will be experiencing journeys and guided imagery meditations, so you want to be as comfortable as possible. Backjacks and yoga blankets are available. You might want to bring:
 •  Journal or notebook
 • Bandanna or eye covering
 • Any special token or item(s) you want to take along on this rediscovery experience.

Are you a Patreon Tribe Member? If so, contact me about a discount on this and other programs just for you!!

For more information

Copyright © 2005-2024 by Gerry Starnes • All rights reserved.
3004 S. First Street, Austin TX 78704